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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

David Abruzzi
Brian Nguyen
6 participants

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Brian Nguyen Sam 28 Jan - 20:06

(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Gta_sa_2017-01-28_19-51-38-51
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen

Messages : 2635
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2016

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par David Abruzzi Sam 28 Jan - 20:09

il déglingue gros
David Abruzzi
David Abruzzi

Messages : 1841
Date d'inscription : 13/11/2016
Age : 23

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Brian Nguyen Sam 28 Jan - 20:22

cimer lakpo
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen

Messages : 2635
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2016

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Stephen Bellefont Sam 28 Jan - 20:55

mais il habitait pas a century y'a 1 semaine lui?
Stephen Bellefont
Stephen Bellefont

Messages : 2615
Date d'inscription : 01/07/2014

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Brian Nguyen Sam 28 Jan - 20:58

malheuresement le projet est refuser (apparement trop de gang), j'ai donc décider de reset le roleplay pratiquer avec ce perso pour débuter dans un type de projet nouveau pour moi
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen

Messages : 2635
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2016

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Invité Dim 29 Jan - 19:50

Ils sont où les crédits de Corneru/ElPipo/Anershady ? C'est bien, t'as peut-être appris à changer une tête, je dis bien PEUT-ÊTRE car j'ai seulement retrouvé ça :
(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall 48c2cfdd381448dc819e68434a68735a


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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Brian Nguyen Dim 29 Jan - 19:52

j'met plu les credits mtn
Brian Nguyen
Brian Nguyen

Messages : 2635
Date d'inscription : 07/08/2016

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Umberto Salvator Dim 29 Jan - 21:57

Nahuel Luera a écrit:il déglingue gros
Umberto Salvator
Umberto Salvator

Messages : 705
Date d'inscription : 25/04/2012
Age : 27

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Dante Hinjosa Lun 30 Jan - 11:50

Dante Hinjosa
Dante Hinjosa

Messages : 1519
Date d'inscription : 13/01/2015

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

Message par Oscar Samaniego Lun 30 Jan - 19:58


Oscar Samaniego

Messages : 877
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2014

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(shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall Empty Re: (shw) Maxime "Pignose" Wright, Roleplay: PLC:Road to City Hall

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