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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Adelina Moretti
Jeremiah Villegas
Michael Parker
Wyatt Holder
David Stevens
James Eaton
Cleavon McReary
Orren Cleveland
Kwan S. Jin
Alexander Fleisch
Yuki Tobayashi
Barry Keegan
Timothy Washburn.
Joey Galaxy
Horacio Juares
Kaydee Jefferson
Wolf Crawler
27 participants

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Invité Ven 29 Juil - 18:04

Le gyrophare principal s'allume pas chez moi normal?


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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par David Stevens Ven 29 Juil - 19:13

Travis Burris a écrit:Le gyrophare principal s'allume pas chez moi normal?
Oui, tu peux le régler dans les fichiers de configuration .ini (faut trouver, c'est ce que j'ai fais).
David Stevens
David Stevens

Messages : 3163
Date d'inscription : 31/10/2012
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Chuck Dixon

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Invité Ven 29 Juil - 19:17

David Stevens a écrit:Salut, voici mes réglages pour le mod.

Le véhicule concerné :

Mon vehicles.ini :
// CARS Configuration

[596] //copcarla
mainLights.enable = 1
strobeLights.1.enable = 1
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 1
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.3
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.47
mainEL.pos.Y = -0.35
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.0
mainEL.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 255
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 190
mainEL.size = 0.20
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 7.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 6.0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 0.2
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 2.55
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 0.10
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.03
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = -0.62
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -1.55
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.55
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.06
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 4.4
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 1.6
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -7.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 3.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 80
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 80

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 3 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 0.45
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 0.4
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.64
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.05
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 0.5
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -1.4
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 0.6
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.04
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 7.6
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 15
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 15

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -0.62
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 2.45
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = 0.11
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.15
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 0.23
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -2.74
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 0.25
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.1
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 2.1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -4.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 0.9
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

advisorEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
advisorEL.pos.Y = -1.55
advisorEL.pos.Z = 0.55
advisorEL.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both = 0.12
advisorEL.alpha = 255
advisorEL.rgb.R = 255
advisorEL.rgb.G = 166
advisorEL.rgb.B = 0
advisorEL.size = 0.04

spotLight.pos.X = -1.01
spotLight.pos.Y = 0.8
spotLight.pos.Z = 0.52
spotLight.size = 0.7

[597] //copcarsf
copy.model.cfg = 596

[598] //copcarlv
mainLights.enable = 1
strobeLights.1.enable = 1
strobeLights.2.enable = 1
strobeLights.3.enable = 1
advisorLights.enable = 1
spotLight.enable = 1

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.3
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.5
mainEL.pos.Y = -0.35
mainEL.pos.Z = 0.9
mainEL.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 255
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 190
mainEL.size = 0.8
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 7.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 6.0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 0.4
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 2.45
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = -0.03
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.06
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = -0.58
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -1.57
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.43
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.06
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 4.4
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 1.6
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -7.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 3.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 80
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 80

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 3 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 0.45
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 0.48
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.7
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.05
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 0.5
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -1.45
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 0.67
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.04
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 7.6
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 15
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 15

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -0.73
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 2.53
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = 0.06
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.8
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 0.2
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -2.74
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 0.06
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.25
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 2.1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -4.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 0.9
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

advisorEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
advisorEL.pos.Y = -1.57
advisorEL.pos.Z = 0.43
advisorEL.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both = 0.12
advisorEL.alpha = 255
advisorEL.rgb.R = 255
advisorEL.rgb.G = 166
advisorEL.rgb.B = 0
advisorEL.size = 0.04

spotLight.pos.X = -1.01
spotLight.pos.Y = 0.8
spotLight.pos.Z = 0.52
spotLight.size = 0.7

[599] //terrain police
mainLights.enable = 1
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 1
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.3
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.5
mainEL.pos.Y = -0.3
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.0
mainEL.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 255
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 190
mainEL.size = 0.13
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 7.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 6.0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 3 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 0.87
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 2.7
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = -0.47
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.06
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = -0.68
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -2.5
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.3
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.02
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 4.4
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 1.6
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -7.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 3.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 80
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 80

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = -0.2
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 2.3
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.12
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.035
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = -0.55
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -2.7
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 0.35
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.035
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 8.6
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 15
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 15

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -0.83
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 2.6
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = 0.0
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.5
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 1.1
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -2.63
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 0.15
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.25
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 2.1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -4.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 0.9
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

advisorEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
advisorEL.pos.Y = -2.5
advisorEL.pos.Z = 0.5
advisorEL.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both = 0.12
advisorEL.alpha = 255
advisorEL.rgb.R = 255
advisorEL.rgb.G = 166
advisorEL.rgb.B = 0
advisorEL.size = 0.04

spotLight.pos.X = -1.01
spotLight.pos.Y = 0.64
spotLight.pos.Z = 0.72
spotLight.size = 0.7

[407] //firetruck
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.23
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.78
mainEL.pos.Y = 3.2
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.4
mainEL.rgb1.R = 255
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 155
mainEL.size = 1.0
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 7.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 5.5
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = -0.68
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 4.1
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 0.05
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.15
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = 1.0
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -3.4
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.07
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.15
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.4
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 1.7
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -7.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 2.5
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 70
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 70
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 0.3
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 4.43
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = -0.67
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.1
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = -0.85
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = 3.66
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 1.25
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.11
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 166
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 166
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 8.3
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 3.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 20
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 20
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -0.73
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 4.2
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = -0.1
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.5
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 0.93
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -3.45
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 0.25
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.2
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 7.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 2.1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -5.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 0.9
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

advisorEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.05
advisorEL.pos.Y = -3.25
advisorEL.pos.Z = 0.4
advisorEL.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both = 0.15
advisorEL.alpha = 255
advisorEL.rgb.R = 255
advisorEL.rgb.G = 166
advisorEL.rgb.B = 0
advisorEL.size = 0.04

[416] //ambulance
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.1
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.5
mainEL.pos.Y = 0.9
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.2
mainEL.rgb1.R = 255
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 155
mainEL.size = 0.7
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 5.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 3.5
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = -1.3
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 0.3
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 1.45
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.3
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = 1.3
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -3.4
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 1.45
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.3
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 0.3
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 3.03
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = -0.15
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.1
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 1.06
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -3.65
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 1.45
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.2
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 2.8
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 4.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 15
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 15
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -1.05
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 0.53
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = 1.5
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.3
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 0.38
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -3.63
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 1.50
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.25
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 166
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 166
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 2.9
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 20
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 20
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

[525] //towtruck
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.15
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.55
mainEL.pos.Y = -0.45
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.5
mainEL.rgb1.R = 255
mainEL.rgb1.G = 40
mainEL.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 40
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 120
mainEL.size = 0.7
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 4.9
mainEL.shadow.size = 3.5
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 15
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 15
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = -1.3
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 0.3
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 1.45
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = 0.93
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -0.77
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 1.1
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.2
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

[427] //enforcer
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 2 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.1
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.4
mainEL.pos.Y = 1.15
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.4
mainEL.rgb1.R = 255
mainEL.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 155
mainEL.size = 0.7
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 4.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 3.5
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 1.2
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 0.1
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 0.95
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.18
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = 1.2
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -3.4
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.95
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.18
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 255
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 0.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 1.2
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = -1.65
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.95
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 0 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.18
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 0.1
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -2.4
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 0.82
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.05
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 0.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.3.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.3.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.3.F.pos.X = -0.85
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Y = 3.26
strobeEL.3.F.pos.Z = -0.1
strobeEL.3.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.F.size = 0.5
strobeEL.3.R.pos.X = 0.94
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Y = -3.78
strobeEL.3.R.pos.Z = 1.28
strobeEL.3.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.3.R.size = 0.4
strobeEL.3.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb1.B = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.G = 255
strobeEL.3.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.3.alpha = 150
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.pos.Y = 6.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.F.size = 2.1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.pos.Y = -7.6
strobeEL.3.shadow.R.size = 3.0
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb1.B = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.G = 30
strobeEL.3.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

[523] //hpv1000 bike
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 0.27
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 0.65
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 0.3
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.05
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = -0.2
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -1.0
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = 0.05
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.05
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 120
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 120
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 230
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 1.8
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 0.7
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -2.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 0.7
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 20
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 20
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = -0.17
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 0.78
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.45
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.05
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 0.27
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -1.05
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = 0.15
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.05
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 255
strobeEL.2.alpha = 255
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 3.6
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 2.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -3.2
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 2.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 30

[544] //firetruk la
mainLights.enable = 0
strobeLights.1.enable = 0
strobeLights.2.enable = 0
strobeLights.3.enable = 0
advisorLights.enable = 0
spotLight.enable = 0

mainEL.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.1
mainEL.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
mainEL.pos.X = 0.94
mainEL.pos.Y = 2.7
mainEL.pos.Z = 1.5
mainEL.rgb1.R = 255
mainEL.rgb1.G = 130
mainEL.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.rgb2.R = 255
mainEL.rgb2.G = 130
mainEL.rgb2.B = 0
mainEL.alpha = 155
mainEL.size = 0.7
mainEL.shadow.pos.X = 5.0
mainEL.shadow.size = 3.5
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.R = 90
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.G = 40
mainEL.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.R = 90
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.G = 40
mainEL.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.1.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.09
strobeEL.1.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.1.F.pos.X = 0.63
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Y = 3.65
strobeEL.1.F.pos.Z = 0.05
strobeEL.1.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.F.size = 0.18
strobeEL.1.R.pos.X = 0.87
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Y = -4.2
strobeEL.1.R.pos.Z = -0.85
strobeEL.1.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.1.R.size = 0.18
strobeEL.1.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.1.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.1.alpha = 230
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.pos.Y = 7.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.F.size = 2.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.enable = 1
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.pos.Y = -5.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.R.size = 1.0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.R = 60
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.R = 60
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.G = 0
strobeEL.1.shadow.rgb2.B = 0

strobeEL.2.corona.number = 1 // number of coronas on each place (1-3) = 0.07
strobeEL.2.corona.mode = 0 // 0 = normal set, 1 = alternate set, 2 = normal set without additional "environment-shine" corona
strobeEL.2.F.pos.X = 0.79
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Y = 3.65
strobeEL.2.F.pos.Z = 0.05
strobeEL.2.F.dir = 1 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.F.size = 0.18
strobeEL.2.R.pos.X = 0.87
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Y = -3.3
strobeEL.2.R.pos.Z = -0.6
strobeEL.2.R.dir = 2 //1 = front, 2 = rear, 0 = both
strobeEL.2.R.size = 0.1
strobeEL.2.rgb1.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb1.G = 160
strobeEL.2.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.rgb2.R = 255
strobeEL.2.rgb2.G = 160
strobeEL.2.rgb2.B = 0
strobeEL.2.alpha = 230
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.enable = 1
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.pos.Y = 7.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.F.size = 2.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.enable = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.pos.Y = -8.5
strobeEL.2.shadow.R.size = 1.0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.R = 30
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.G = 20
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb1.B = 0
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.R = 30
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.G = 20
strobeEL.2.shadow.rgb2.B = 0
J'ai utilisé cette voiture et ton .ini :/


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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Adelina Moretti Ven 29 Juil - 20:00

Merci du partage !
Adelina Moretti
Adelina Moretti

Messages : 222
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2016
Age : 26
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Aucun / N.C.

Second personnage : Aucun / N.C.

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Sofia Brown Dim 4 Sep - 14:14

Les liens sont down.
Sofia Brown
Sofia Brown

Messages : 516
Date d'inscription : 07/12/2015
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Aucun / N.C.

Second personnage : Aucun / N.C.

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Ruben Humberto Mer 2 Nov - 15:26

Nouveau lien :!L1oxHYbY!XlY0WZ3PIckbFsNQQJqJKFyW77oJUqn1nBNhS-nYw8M

Je l'ai trouvé sur une vidéo YT (, et le gars a fait partage ses véhicules, donc dans l'dossier, il y a aussi des véhicules, je pense qu'il y a peu d'importance! Wink

Par contre j'ai une question, quand j'active le truc au niveau des phares, ça clignote bien et tout, mais on voit pas le reflet au sol, vous savez pourquoi?

Ruben Humberto

Messages : 411
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2013

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Elsa Rosenberg Mer 5 Juil - 22:57

liens morts Sad
Elsa Rosenberg
Elsa Rosenberg

Messages : 2837
Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Artur

Second personnage : @Waaaayne

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Tom Collins Ven 21 Juil - 15:44

Tom Collins
Tom Collins

Messages : 378
Date d'inscription : 23/06/2017
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Aucun / N.C.

Second personnage : Aucun / N.C.

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[FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP) - Page 3 Empty Re: [FND] New ELS (Work for SA:MP)

Message par Elsa Rosenberg Ven 21 Juil - 16:13

Hugo Boussard a écrit:Nouveau lien :!L1oxHYbY!XlY0WZ3PIckbFsNQQJqJKFyW77oJUqn1nBNhS-nYw8M

Je l'ai trouvé sur une vidéo YT (, et le gars a fait partage ses véhicules, donc dans l'dossier, il y a aussi des véhicules, je pense qu'il y a peu d'importance! Wink

Par contre j'ai une question, quand j'active le truc au niveau des phares, ça clignote bien et tout, mais on voit pas le reflet au sol, vous savez pourquoi?
Le reflet au sol c'est un autre mod,

Pas de pub volontaire c'est qu'un mod
Elsa Rosenberg
Elsa Rosenberg

Messages : 2837
Date d'inscription : 30/04/2016
Ancien Prenom_Nom : Artur

Second personnage : @Waaaayne

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Message par Contenu sponsorisé

Contenu sponsorisé

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