GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer 0.3DL | Adresse IP:

Demande Julianna Paccini

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 14:07

Voila j'aimerais qu'on me convertisse un skin fait à la base pour GTA 4 et qui pourrait aller sur gta San Andreas.

Voila le skin de GTA 4 : NFYFV1RV

qui pourrait aller sur se skin la : /file/_IR2Gm6h/SkinPack_Outlaws_V4.html ( prenners le skin de Vice Président )

et si vous ne savez pas le convertire serait t'il possible de faire le visage ? voila une photo du visage que je veut
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Sarah MacGregor Dim 19 Juin - 14:53

Je ne sais absolument pas comment on peut convertir un skin GTA IV en GTA SA : désoler.

J'ai chercher un peu sur google mais rien trouver là dessus. Et je ne connais pas encore 3DsMax pour savoir si il y a moyen de récupérer un fichier.

Édité : peut-être ça : Wink
Sarah MacGregor
Sarah MacGregor

Messages : 5646
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 31

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 14:55

Ok merci je v'est tester avec 3dsmax voir si j'y arrive mais merci quand même
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Sarah MacGregor Dim 19 Juin - 14:57

Essaye le 2ième lien (selon le description : c'est un programme qui permet de convertir les skin de GTA IV pour GTA SA)

Édité : ah, non j'ai rien dis : c'est des skins convertit : déso. :S

J'ai trouver ça sur un forum d'un autre server :

afikzz a écrit:Hello, I need to convert a GTA IV peds to SA, if there is a guide, please tell me about him.

Thank you.
HeavenShock a écrit:Get the latest version of ZModeler, Import the file of GTA IV and export it to 3ds max ; ).
Eze a écrit:I used to have this program, I forgot what it was called. Like, download GTA IV files and convert them into .txd's so you can open and export the images with TXD Workshop. You'll need to learn how to UVW map if you like that guide, but it's much complicated than it sounds. [lien retirer pour ne pas pubber]
mattokthx a écrit:
Eze a écrit:I used to have this program, I forgot what it was called. Like, download GTA IV files and convert them into .txd's so you can open and export the images with TXD Workshop. You'll need to learn how to UVW map if you like that guide, but it's much complicated than it sounds. [lien retirer pour ne pas pubber]
He means the model, not the textures.

Dernière édition par Julianna Paccini le Dim 19 Juin - 15:15, édité 1 fois
Sarah MacGregor
Sarah MacGregor

Messages : 5646
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 31

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 15:09

Traduction please ^^ ou alors un conte pour se connecter et lire le truc ^^
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Sarah MacGregor Dim 19 Juin - 15:13

Contenu du lien (que je supprimer pour pas pubber) :
WeeD a écrit:Well lately I've had a lot of people asking me how to uvw map exactly, so I decided to make a tutorial about the basics of
uvw mapping using Unwrap UVW. This is slightly more advanced than Tummy's ''How to attach objects to peds in
3ds Max '' So it is highly recommended to follow that tutorial before this one to get a hand with the program. Programs
I'll mainly be using are Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk 3d's Max. I might make a video tutorial later on too.

I'll be using Sweet for this tutorial.
[size=125]STEP 1[/size]: To start off, if you look at Sweet's texture, you can see that there's only one side of the shirt.
Demande Julianna Paccini  Sweet
[size=125]STEP 2[/size] Cut out the shirt.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 3[/size] Make a new sheet(I used 512x256 dimensions) with a black background and paste your shirt on

it. Duplicate the layer by ctrl + j and fit the two shirts on the sheet like so:
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
Recommended:To see the lines better i'd recommend selecting the outline's of the shirt and then adding a a white stroke.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1

Demande Julianna Paccini  2
[size=125]STEP 4[/size] Add a logo or whatever you want on the shirt, if not just keep it as is. My result:
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 5[/size] Now as we have the textures we're gonna open up 3ds max and import the sweet.dff.
[size=125]STEP 6[/size] Select the whole shirt with element or polygon.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 7[/size] Press 'M' and apply the shirt texture you made to the selected bodypart(Shirt). Should look
something like this:
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 8[/size] Rotate the ped to the side and hold down alt and deselect either the front or the back half of the shirt, i decided to deselect the front part and start with the back.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 9[/size] Open up the modifiers list and choose Unwrap UVW, then click on edit.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
The next four pictures tell enough here, if not ask for more in a comment below.
[size=125]STEP 10[/size]Demande Julianna Paccini  2
[size=125]STEP 11[/size]Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 12[/size]Demande Julianna Paccini  2
[size=125]STEP 13[/size]Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 14[/size] Okay, now that the back of the shirt is done, lets move along and select the front of the shirt.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 15[/size] Now follow steps 9 to 13 again, except now put the mapping on the left part of the texture, like this:
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 16[/size] Current progress looks like the picture below. And as you can see the logo kind of looks distorted, but not to worry ! You can edit the polygons and make the logo look okay again. Showing you in the next step.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 17[/size] Now check the pictures below closely and see how I move the polygons and how the picture in the background edits.

Demande Julianna Paccini  1Demande Julianna Paccini  2
The other side now.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1Demande Julianna Paccini  2
And now the top.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1Demande Julianna Paccini  2
Now collapse it again, like this:
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 18[/size] Now your shirt is uvw mapped with two sides and the logo is fixed. Now you have to export the .dff. Current progress below.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1Demande Julianna Paccini  2
[size=125]STEP 19[/size] Export and open up txd workshop.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
Now open up txd worshop and open sweet.txd and then press ctrl + insert, making a duplicate of the current layer.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 20[/size] Now go to file and click on 'dff check'
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
Choose the .dff edited, in this case mine is sweet.dff
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
It now shows the texture names that are used on the dff in the up-left box and the texture names on the .txd in the up-right box.(Alpha layers go in the bottom boxes)
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
Close the box and on the duplicate layers go to properties and name it to the file name you used for the shirt(it shows it in the dff check). In my case it would be 'shirt done', so I'm renaming my duplicate layer to that.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
[size=125]STEP 21[/size] Import your texture onto the duplicate layer. Dff check again and see if the names match.
Demande Julianna Paccini  1
As mine do, I'm going to save and gonna see how the skin is ingame.
IG PICS:Demande Julianna Paccini  Gta_sa_2010-01-29_00-00-01-95Demande Julianna Paccini  Gta_sa_2010-01-29_00-00-09-21

Demande Julianna Paccini  WEED_COPYRIGHT
Sarah MacGregor
Sarah MacGregor

Messages : 5646
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 31

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 15:19

fait chier j'ai pas 3ds max
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Sarah MacGregor Dim 19 Juin - 15:26

Google est ton ami... Wink
Sarah MacGregor
Sarah MacGregor

Messages : 5646
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 31

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 15:35

mdr y ma envoyer que des virus
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Sarah MacGregor Dim 19 Juin - 15:43

Édité (les histoire de chiens qui font "Wawa" n'intéresse personne... Rolling Eyes)

Dernière édition par Julianna Paccini le Dim 19 Juin - 17:38, édité 1 fois
Sarah MacGregor
Sarah MacGregor

Messages : 5646
Date d'inscription : 10/01/2010
Age : 31

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

Message par Archibald Quincy Dim 19 Juin - 15:52

hum j'ai enfin trouver mon chien et merci bien :p
Archibald Quincy
Archibald Quincy

Messages : 1844
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 26

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Demande Julianna Paccini  Empty Re: Demande Julianna Paccini

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